and one I'm a touch too late for:
Excepting the latter, there are several books which appear on all the lists - some of which I have read, and many many of which I haven't. I'm going to make a confession.
Right now.
I've never read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.
Not once.
Now, I tried. I tried many, many times. I had it assigned to me in several different English Lit classes at university. I couldn't do it. Couldn't get beyond page 7.
However, I listened to my professors and took copious notes. I could and did write essays and exam questions about Mr. Conrad's classic. I just never read it.
I never will.
Nor have I ever seen Apocalypse Now. Why? Think about it for a second. What book was it based on? There ya go.
Time for your guilty confessions. What classic have you never read?
Don't leave me standing here all alone.
take two!
ReplyDeleteI never finished Proust's Rememberance of Things Past. Got farther than you but not a whole lot.
Now trying to read 'the Russians' starting with 'The Idiot' - good so far.
I pride myself on my ability to name characters, but no one else seems to appreciate my gift! Here is an example for one of your mysteries: the nosy Postmistress: Tilda Antsforth
ReplyDeleteJan; I have huge admiration for you! I've read a number of Chekov plays - but they were assigned reading.
ReplyDeleteMollyC; What a great name! Nosy postmistresses are such handy characters, aren't they?
According to the lists, there are a lot more classics that I haven't read, compared to what I have. I've had Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre sitting partially read on my nightstand for a couple months now. I get into moods where I enjoy wallowing in the literary, in the classics, etc. - but I dearly love my trash reading :)
ReplyDeleteKaren; And why should you? Good for you.
ReplyDeleteDeb; There are times when all I want is what I call 'easy reads'. Dick Francis is my usual go-to.
The Scarlett Letter! I tried it and couldn't get through it. I tried it again, and still couldn't do it. And I DO like Hawthorne, just not this one. I am certainly never seeing the Demi Moore movie, because that would be to admit that I can't get through a book--like Cliff's notes! Won't do it.
ReplyDeleteI love the list about "before you grow up," but that does just mean before you die, right? :P
I missed reading a lot of classics for one reason or another. One was Pride and Prejudice.
ReplyDeleteMichele; I'd hope that's what that list meant. But who knows? All I need is more guilt about how many books I didn't read to my kids when they were little. It's not my fault they had favourites they wanted over and over again!
ReplyDeleteCarol; Try it. It's good. Jane Austen's rhythms are like poetry.
Dante's Inferno. :)
ReplyDeleteBut I think I've visited a few of his levels of hell before...
Mystery Writing is Murder
Elizabeth; I may have Landed Immigrant Status.
ReplyDeleteMmm, I've read a lot of classics. All the Mark Twain books, The Great Gatspy, To Kill a Mockingbird, 1984, just to mention a few off the top of my bald head, lol.
ReplyDeleteThose lists can be intimidating, though. (wink)
Marvin D Wilson
Never read War and Peace. Brought it home from the library once...took it back unread a couple of weeks later.
ReplyDeleteAs you know, you're a winner! If you'd like a book. Drop by my blog, email me your mailing addy, and I'll get you a free copy by first week in April.
Best, Galen.
Old Silly; I've read plenty - but those lists make me feel mighty ignorant.
ReplyDeleteGalen; I've got a copy of War and Peace. Think I've ever read it? No. But it sits there on a shelf- judging me. Is the book signed? I want it signed. Or is that being too pushy?
Elspeth - OK, I'll come clean. I've never read War and Peace, either. I've wanted to. Really. Just never did. *Hangs head in shame*
ReplyDeleteMargot; 'Tis the day for confessions - no need for guilt! And besides, what's there to know? There's war, then there's peace, there's war and then there's peace.
ReplyDeleteHey dolly - I will send you a photo - any preferences? Could you send me your home address? My email is mobudgeATnsDOTsympaticoDOTca
ReplyDeleteOh and I read all of Dante's Divine Comedy - I took the most wonderful course on it in university. It was fantastic! I'd like to read Moby Dick too but I am intimidated.
Oh Lordy, the total tonnage of all the "classics" I have never read could stop a team of oxen in its tracks (I plagiarize John Hoynes whenever I can, although I think Aaron stole that from William Goldman, 'cause Newman says it in Butch Cassidy, if I'm not mistaken).
ReplyDeleteI'll confess to a few.
Never read Catcher in the Rye.
Never read Hamlet (or a lot of other Shakespeare).
Never read Heart of Darkness.
Never read anything by Hemingway (although I tried Old Man & the Sea on audiobook and gave up. Some things don't really work on audio).
Never read Moby Dick (a crime, having lived in/around New Bedford, MA for so many years)
Oh, and I *still* haven't picked up Wolf Hall (at least I got the title right this time) for book club, even though we gave ourselves a one-month extension!
Yep. I'm a failure.
Like Galen, I haven't read War and Peace though I tried. I'm sure when I check out those lists there will be many more books I haven't read as well.
ReplyDeleteLove this post!
ReplyDeleteMy confession: Moby Dick. Even have it in my library and have not even attempted to crack in once!!!
Catcher in the Rye and death of a Salesman. Oh, and Moby Dick or Shakespheare.
ReplyDeleteStephen Tremp
Elisa; Bless you! Another vote for Heart of Darkness. Don't worry about Hamlet - watch it. The Branagh version.
ReplyDeleteJane; I've never even tried.
Kristi; Don't have it, never read it.
Stephen; No Shakespeare? None? Watch any Branagh version - I HIGHLY recommend "Much Ado About Nothing".
I read War and Peace, but only because my mom named me for the character from the novel and I wanted to see what the original me was supposed to be like. That I never figured out, explains how moved I was by the book ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnd a number of books on the list, I own, and keep telling myself I should read. But life is too short, and I would rather read a book that I like reading than something someone has decided is recommended reading.