Writer: Was that a trumpet blare?
Sheep #1: We've been practicing.
Sheep #2: For moments just like this.
Sheep #3: We think we're gifted.
Sheep #1: We think we might have a new career.
Writer: As trumpet players?
Sheep #1: You've got to dream big.
Writer: (shakes head) Wait. Why were you blaring a trumpet?
Sheep #2: It got your attention, didn't it?
Writer: Yes.
Sheep #3: We've been trying to get your attention for days. We resorted to desperate measures.
Writer: (sighing) What do you want?
Sheep #1: It's time for you to get going again.
Sheep #2: Pick yourself up and dust yourself off.
Sheep #3: As the old song goes.
Writer: I'm fine. Really.
Sheep #1: No, you're not. You can't fool us. We're the sheep.
Sheep #2: You haven't been writing. You've been fiddling.
Sheep #3: Look! Another musical reference.
Sheep#1: Wow. We're good.
Writer: I've haven't been fiddling; I've been polishing.
Sheep #1: No. You're afraid to take the next step.
Sheep #2: It's time.
Sheep #3: It's past time, actually.
Writer: I know.
Sheep #1: Do you?
Sheep #2: (louder) Do you?
Sheep #3: I'll blare the trumpet again.
Writer: Please don't.
Sheep #1: You've spent all this time on your book.
Sheep #2: You've worked on your characters, your plot, your setting...
Sheep #3: You've done your historical research...
Sheep #1: Good grief, you've even looked up the weather.
Sheep #2: Talk about thorough.
Sheep #3: But now, it's time.
Sheep #1: Accept not everything is going to go the way you want. Accept there will be disappointments and set backs.
Sheep #2: The unknown is scary. You're putting yourself out there.
Sheep #3: Think of it as the mother of all auditions.
Writer: But I hated auditioning.
Sheep #1: Ironic, isn't it?
Sheep #2: Listen to us.
Sheep #3: It's time.
Sheep #1: Think of this not as a wake-up blare, but as an announcement of battle.
Special thanks to all of you who took the time to leave a comment yesterday. I felt as if I'd gotten a large, virtual hug. I'm very grateful.