The title says it all, doesn't it? I love a good title.
Wishing you all love, laughter and wonderful words to read and write for 2012.
Wherein I endeavour to share writerly advice lightened with humour, pictures and a dollop of 1930s-1940s history.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
10 Self-Motivators for Writers
Sometimes you need help to keep going on your current project. As a veteran swimmer in the sea of self-loathing, I offer you the following motivators to keep on writing:
10. You can have a cookie(s) when you finish for the day.
9. In the midst of the shambles you've already written which is mocking you from the page, there is one sentence you really like. Focus on it.
8. What would you be doing if you weren't writing? Do you really want to be doing that?
7. Think about how far you've come; not how far you still need to go.
6. Fantasise about what you'd treat yourself to with some of that royalty cheque. Perhaps it's a personal chef to make you cookies.
5. You love your characters. If you can't keep on writing for yourself, keep on writing for them.
4. Having the discipline to keep on writing even when it's tough is what separates the real writers from the wannabees. Do you really want to be a wannabe?
3. Remember why you started writing this story in the first place.
2. Accomplishment makes anyone glow. Go for the glow!
1. This story deserves to be written and only you can write it.
This post first ran in January, 2011.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Fun Friday
Since many of us are awash in shopping, I'm rerunning this post from last year to remind us of the lighter side of this task.
By the way, if you're done all your shopping and the presents are wrapped - stifle the urge to share this news with me.
Thanks so much.
First, a few shopping bags....
Enjoy your Friday. Enjoy your weekend. See you Monday.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
10 Reasons I Can't Write Right Now
10. The coffee pot is empty. Lives will be lost.
9. I have to check my emails. Perhaps that mega agent has emailed me out of the blue. You never know. We've tweeted. That's the first step.
8. I have to visit my favourite blogs and leave comments. It's part of my pre-writing routine. Pre-writing. I'll write once I've done the pre-writing. It's a warm-up. Yeah. That sounds good.
7. Two words: No. Chocolate.
6. I need to know the meanings of the names of all my characters. All of them. Ignorance leads to messy writing.
5. Now I have to change the names of most of my characters. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
4. The cat just shrieked and raced from the room. What does he know that I don't? Do I want to know? Was there just a creak behind me?
3. I just have a bit of research to do before getting down to writing. The clock on the computer must be wrong. How did two hours go by so quickly?
2. I'm going to emulate the behaviour of a favourite writer and read a chapter from a good book. Crap. I'll never write as well as that. Bring on the chocolate.
1. See #7.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Sewing a Story
You've come up with an idea...

and you've chosen your characters...

and you have a space to create...
Plug in that machine...

and lay out your plot...

Remember you'll need plenty of these to keep everything straight...

(and yes, you might get a few pin pricks...)
But soon you'll have a beginning...

And a bit of a middle...

And a bit of an end...

Sure, there will be hiccups along the way...

And you might discover you've made three of these...

But sooner or later, you'll have a finished project.

Of course, mine looks like they did in 1935!

Monday, December 5, 2011
Any Minute Now...
10. Flex your fingers. They're about to get a workout.
9. Place your hands in the correct position on the keyboard in preparation for the words you are about to type at breathless speed.
8. Those words are going to come. Any minute now.
7. Take a sip of coffee. Everyone knows you can't write when you're thirsty.
6. Replace your fingers.
5. Watch the cursor blinking at you. Try not take it personally.
4. Any minute now, you'll be typing.
3. Any minute.
2. Get out those notes you wrote down last night. Try to decipher what "Big-eared dog behind cabbage" might possibly mean. Obviously, it's code. You didn't realize you were that clever.
1. Re-flex those fingers. Every writer needs hope.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Fun Friday
As we decorate (or have decorated - or think about decorating - or dread thinking about decorating) our houses for the holiday season, take a gander at some of these unique houses I've found on the internet. I admit I'm intrigued.
Spaceship House - Chattanooga, TN
Boeing 726 House - Benoit, Mississsippi

The plane cost $2,000.00, $4,000.00 to move, and $24,000.00 to renovate. The stairs open with a garage door remote, and one of the bathrooms is still intact. And yes, that is a jacuzzi in the cockpit.
Nautilus House - Mexico

Upside-down House - Szymbark, Poland

Castle House - San Juan, Dominican Republic

Thin House, London, UK

Shoe House - South Africa

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