Do you remember the story about the poor shoemaker and the elves? The one where the shoemaker had elves who came in at night and made up his shoes and gradually the shoemaker was able to become successful and to show his gratitude he made shoes and clothes for the elves?
I need an elf.
Maybe, I need several elves.
One elf could finish my holiday baking and replenish those homemade chocolates that seem to evaporate within minutes of me putting them into their tin.
Another elf could scramble out to the stores and finish my shopping. I'll supply the list.
Yet another elf could wrap the presents. I've got the paper. Wait. I've got some paper. Oh, shopping elf? I need to add something to your list.
And, if it's at all possible, the services of a writing elf would be appreciated. The only caveat is this elf must be a mind-reader, since I know what I want to write but I just don't seem to have enough time to write it.
Four elves. Seriously.
I can sew.
Good luck! I'm done with my elves--at least those of the holiday variety, so I'll send them your way. But you can't have my household elves. I don't know where they are.
Terry's Place
Romance with a Twist--of Mystery
Terry; Holiday-type elves would be appreciated, but really any elf would do. A household elf is needed throughout the year!
ReplyDeleteElspeth - I know just what you mean about needing elves. I remember loving that story of the shoemaker, by the way :-); thanks for the reminder. I would love some elves, too. A cleaning elf, an errand-running elf, a go-to-work-for-me elf, a pet-care elf. Then I wouldn't need a writing elf...
ReplyDeleteOh. Me, too! I need a wrapping elf. And an elf to care for and entertain the dogs. And a cleaning elf. Ahhh. Now I know what I want for Christmas. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteMargot; Yes. I need all those elves too. If you find them, send 'em my way.
ReplyDeleteCarol; Me first. Seriously.
Me too!!! I love this blog.
ReplyDeleteIf you find those elves, send one or two my way.
ReplyDeleteI'll be happy to settle for a couple to share shoveling duties.
ReplyDeleteElspeth, I broke out laughing before I had a chance to read the post. What an elf?!
I just want a blessed elf to clean up my office. Just one elf...although it might take him a few days.