Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thirties Thursday

Here's a list of the #1 Fiction Bestsellers in the US during the 1930s.

  • 1930 - Cimarron - Edna Ferber
  • 1931 - The Good Earth - Pearl S. Buck
  • 1932 - The Good Earth - Pearl S. Buck
  • 1933 - Anthony Adverse - Hervey Allen
  • 1934 - Anthony Adverse - Hervey Allen
  • 1935 - Green Light - Lloyd C. Douglas
  • 1936 - Gone with the Wind - Margaret Mitchell
  • 1937 - Gone with the Wind - Margaret Mitchell
  • 1938 - The Yearling - Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
  • 1939 - The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

I refuse to divulge how many I've read. Are you brave?


  1. Elspeth - Oh, some of those books are absolute classics! And yes, I've read some. Even though I haven't read every one, it's so interesting how they've influenced the way we think and even allusions we make. That's a sure sign of a classic...

  2. All of them but Green Light and Anthony Adverse. I don't remember Cimarron but I remember all the others vividly. I still know that if a snake bits me I should get a fresh liver from a deer and smack it on top of the bite. The Yearling. And I still know that people without all their mental capabilities are still worthy - The Grapes of Wrath. As for Gone with the Wind, I've birthed a baby or two and I know that Rhett is still THE man!

  3. Margot; Some are classics, aren't they? I hadn't considered their influence on our thought process and language; but then *I'm* not a linguist like you!

    Jan; I just have to confess I always wanted to slap Melanie. She was so good and pure she made me itch.

  4. I've read two :-( Does it count, though, that I've read one of them more times than I can count? Not saying which one, though. In unrelated news, my daughter's middle name is Scarlett :-)


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