Wednesday, November 2, 2011

To Be or Not to Be

 I'm wondering if I should continue this...

I'm trying to do this...

What do you...


  1. Elizabeth - I grok your quandary. I really do. The selfish me is saying, "Please, please keep blogging!!" I love your blog, I learn from it, laugh with it and am enriched by it. And there are those wonderful sheep. On the other hand, I know all about that balancing act. I can't tell you what to do; I can only say do what you need to do.

  2. Hope you keep going! You could just cut down the days you're doing it?

  3. Margot; Thanks so much for your kind, supportive words. I hadn't thought about the sheep. Drat.

    Elizabeth; I'd thought of that - might be a good compromise. Thanks for letting me know your thoughts!

  4. I think you've built up quite a large following why lose it now when you're just about to publish a book? That's when you need the blog most. You might adjust how you use it but I say keep it.

  5. Lauri; Good point. Very, very good point.

  6. I do hope you will find a way to keep blogging. I understand that it gets grinding to keep up with a blog and try to do other writing, too. But I know I would miss you if you stopped completely. Please consider Elizabeth's idea of maybe cutting back on the number of days you are committed to. Please? Good luck figuring out the balance thing -- I have yet to and I've been trying for years. :)

  7. Kit; Thank you SO MUCH for your lovely comment. It made my day.

  8. You have to do what is right for you, but I would miss you :-(

  9. I also know how difficult it is to juggle work, blog and writing time so I vote for Elizabeth´s idea: what about fewer posts? That´s what I do when life gets in the way.

    And I´d certainly miss you & especially on Fridays. You have given me many much-needed laughs.

    Dorte H

  10. Getting ready to publish (Congrats again) I would think you might continue communicating with your faithful. Make time adjustments and cutback.

  11. Blogging is a challenge, and time consuming. But I agree--once you have a following, it's a good contact point. I've debated the same issue--I've had my blog since 2006, but now that I'm in control of most of my books, it would be foolish to abandon it.

    Terry's Place
    Romance with a Twist--of Mystery


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