Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

I've often described myself as Canadian by birth, Irish by heritage and English by inclination. Today, however, it by way of bein' a holy day and all, I'm celebrating the Irish.

Here are some views of Ireland for you to take a wee peak at:

And from me to all of you, this traditional Irish blessing:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


  1. I love that Irish blessing. I am not Irish, but wear a bit of green to help my Irish friends celebrate.

  2. Beautiful photos. No wonder they call it the Emerald Isle.

  3. I'm a bit of a mutt so I've got some Irish in me. I've made it there once, but only to Dublin. One day I'll need to go back!

  4. Maryann; And bless you for wearin' a bit o' the green.

    Carol; It is well-named. Of course, all that green doesn't come without a great deal of rain.

    Stephanie; Irish blood in Alaska! I'm sure your Irish forefathers would be fine with you takin' a wee taste of the creature from time to time - just to warm you in the winter, of course.

  5. Love the blessing and the photos. Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  6. I'm not Irish, but I've always loved that blessing. Enjoy the day :)

  7. Mason; And a happy St. Patrick's Day to you.

    Karen; It is a beautiful country. Happy St. Pat's.

    Jemi; You're Scots. Close enough. Celts unite!

  8. Aye, and I must say, the charmin' pictures, they brightened me day a wee tad, that they did!

    Marvin D Wilson

  9. Lovely pictures - I adore Ireland - went there a few years back to do a marathon and stayed in the Dingle area after the race. Gorgeous and a huge part of one of my novels!

  10. Old Silly; Don't you know, I'm so glad to hear it.

    Jan; You've done a marathon??? Wow.

  11. I love the blessing, and happy St. Patricks' Day to you too.

    Had I known it was St. Patrick's Day, I may have worn a bit of green, but it is already tomorrow for me :-(

  12. Elspeth - These are just beautiful pictures, and thanks for the Irish blessing : ). I hope you enjoyed St. Patrick's day, too!


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