Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Just Keep Writing

Why is there this?

Ah. You've got a new this...

It's time to do this...

And this...

and this...

If you're worried your plot is doing this...

Ignore it and just keep doing this...

Even when you're faced with this...

You've got to keep doing this...

Even when you're sure your room looks like this...

And you'd swear you're doing this...

Just keep doing this....

And even more this...

And know someday soon you'll be doing this.


  1. I just started a new manuscript. I'm only on page 3, but I've done this enough to know how accurate your post is.

    Terry's Place
    Romance with a Twist--of Mystery

  2. Sometimes my room does look like that, with crumpled papers and books and pencils littered all over the floor and my desk. Just keep writing, just keep writing... :)

  3. Elspeth - No doubt about it - writing takes perseverance. Thomas Edison said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." He wasn't far off the mark about writing, too...

  4. Carol; I'm glad to help. Good luck!

    Jan; Thanks for dropping by, my dear! Let's hope we meet in person soon.

    Terry; Best of luck with your new project!

    Laura; We have to channel our inner Dory. "Just keep writing, writing writing..."

    Margot; I wonder how many non-readers know the amount sheer slogging along that's necessary.

  5. Loved the guy buried in paper. Way back when I wrote on an old manual typewriter, my room would start to resemble his. Thanks for the inspiration.


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