Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pictures, Not Words

I'm busy writing today so instead of words, I thought I'd give you pictures of various scenes that resonate with me. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Here's where I'd be living if I had my way. Thatched roof. Cottage garden. Looking out my window at England.

However, when my detective is home in Provence, this is a view of his village, Isle-sur-la-Sorgue.

This is the scenery my characters walk through in my WiP taking place in England. The view hasn't changed much in the last 75 years.

But right now, the place I live now is 2 days away from hosting the Olympics. Here's the view every night in Vancouver's downtown harbour.

Last night in Richmond, which is part of Metro Vancouver. The torch. The flame. Olympic-sized magic.

All images found at Google images.


  1. Elspeth - Thanks for the beautiful pictures! They speak volumes! I really love that 'photo of the cottage, by the way - the first one : ). I can see why you dream of living in a place like that.

  2. Beautiful pics! It would certainly be no hardship to live in that cottage. Happy writing!

  3. Wonderful pictures. Put them all together and weave a story.

  4. Margot; Isn't it beautiful?

    Deb; I whole-heartedly agree.

    Jen; Sure!

    Carol; Two of them are already being used in my story!

  5. I love those top two especially. Wouldn't it be lovely to be able to get away for awhile and write for two weeks straight in one of these places?

  6. KarenG; Wouldn't it? My problem would be once I got into that English cottage i don't think I would leave.

  7. Thanks for sharing the images. The thatched roof reminds me of a guy I travelled with years ago. He was one of only 300 thatchers in Britain at that time.

  8. The photos brought back some wonderful memories of the times I lived in England. I loved visiting and never grew tired of looking at the thatched cottages. However, because I like modern conveniences too much, I never found one I’d want to live in – at least for more than a day or two.

  9. Alan; It is a skill that is becoming scarcer and scarcer. A pity, in my opinion.

    Jane; How I envy you! I've never lived there; only visited. I think I'd be fine in one of those cottages, but I understand your point.

  10. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for posting them.

  11. Well, Elspeth, you're a writer to the end. This is the ultimate show, don't tell. Good job.

    Best Wishes Galen.
    Imagineering Fiction Blog

  12. Awesome - we're only a few days away :) Can't wait!

  13. Maryann; You're so welcome.

    Karen; I wish I could do more.

    Galen; I thought of that! hehehehe!

    Jemi; Neither can I! The atmosphere here is electric.

  14. These are beautiful, Elspeth. I feel like I've taken a virtual vacation!

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  15. Beautiful photos. It's nice to see a warm, sunny place.

  16. Elizabeth; And no virtual luggage to unpack!

    Mason; Oh dear, are you one of the snow-bound?

  17. Thank you for the pictures, Elspeth. I have been feeling blah myself, and they put me in a really good mood. Specially the last two.

  18. Hey - I left a comment here yesterday ... didn't publish? Oh well, I wanted to say that thatched roof cottage is, swear to god, the perfect pictorial representation of my dream retirement home. Serious.

    Marvin D Wilson


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