Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Writer's Day

When you do this...

You learn some days it feels like this...

and some days it feels like this.

Some days are like this...

and some (let's be honest) are like this.

But what makes writing this...

is never knowing this.


  1. Elspeth - Right you are indeed about one of the real joys of writing. You don't always know what you'll end up with, and sometimes, it's really exciting. So long as you have your cuddly monster with you. Oh, and the sheep.

  2. Lovely little tale told in pics... How clever you are... Happy blogging in 2012!

  3. Margot; LOL!

    Pat; Why thank you! Best wishes to you as well.

  4. Jen; I'm glad you liked it! Wishing only the best for you in 2012.

  5. A good summary of what makes writing fun!


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