Friday, August 21, 2009

Whips or Chains?

Aha, I thought the title would get your attention!  Sorry to disappoint, but this post deals with every writer's compulsion to get those fingers a-tapping on the keyboard each day.  Is it self-discipline?  Is it guilt?  Is it a strange twisted combination of both?

I am not one of those writers that think in terms of a certain word count per day.  I like to finish a certain unit - be it a specific step in the plot or a new facet of a character.  It might only be 1 page, but it could be 10 - either way it's one more step along the road.  Self-discipline has never been a forte of mine; but guilt is a great motivator.  I really don't like going to bed and having that little voice in my head sing at me "You did nothing on the book (or whatever) today.  Nothing.  As penance you'll have to do twice as much tomorrow".  This does not lead to sweet dreams.

Writing is hard.  Staring at that blank screen and only typing "Wow, this is going to get deleted but at least I'm writing something" or some line from Shakespeare is amusing in a small way but doesn't get me any closer to actually completing anything.  Coming up with ideas is not hard for me, but getting them down in a manner that doesn't make me ill isn't.  Somedays dialogue is the easiest thing in the world.  Other days my characters sound like stilted marionettes.  Descriptions...same story.  I have spent many hours with my fingers poised hopefully over the keyboard waiting for genius to strike. (Still waiting for the way).

But then there are the days when the words flow and I can't type fast enough to keep up.  When the dialogue sparkles and I can smell the food I'm describing or the garden that my characters are walking through.  Those days I feel like I could fly and those days are why I write.  Maybe it is the whips of self-discipline or the chains of guilt but those wings are magic.


  1. Interesting point about the delete key. I saw a quotation that went something like, “A pair of Scissors is my most useful writing tool.” That’s a paraphrase, but, you get the idea. I’m revising now, and the magic of deletion is truly wonderful.

    Best Regards, Galen
    Imagineering Fiction Blog

  2. Right on, Elspeth. I've been in exactly the same situations. I am now, actually, waiting for inspiration to arrive, trying to force it, creeping along through the first draft...pretty awful.

  3. It is amazing how even short and far between great days can make you feel and motivate you to do more. Those days make the struggle worth it.

    Straight From Hel

  4. I binge write. And since I recently chucked about 15,000 words and started over, using a few scenes but rewriting most, I know what you're talking about. I wonder why I don't walk away from the whole thing, forget it, take up photography or crochet a few afghans. But I won't. I'll go back in a few days and write the next chapter. Already have it worked out in my head. It's crazy.

  5. Elspeth, I'm back again to tell you I gave you the "I" in the BINGO Beautiful Blog award.

    Straight From Hel


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