Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Musings

Yes, tremble in your chairs....I'm back.

I hope all of you had a lovely holiday and if you're still celebrating, I tip my party hat in admiration. Everyone who shares a roof with me captured magnificent treasure under the tree. My teenage son's voice actually quavered as he unwrapped his ipod touch. My 12 year old went into paroxysms of joy when she discovered a Wii game system. As for me? I now sport diamond solitaire earrings, thank you very much. All in all, all were satisfied.

I received another gift yesterday from Margot Kinberg, when she kindly included me in her list of "Inspiring Crime and Mystery Fiction Writing and Writers' Blogs". Look at this lovely award!

My thanks to Margot; and I encourage all of you to check out her blog Confessions of a Mystery Novelist, her knowledge and analysis of the mystery genre is truly astounding.

I've written a little over the past week, but I'm getting antsy to finish this draft. I'm hoping once the holidays are truly done, the tree put out for compost, the decorations packed away and the baking eaten I'll be able to concentrate and plow on to the finish.

All kidding aside, it's great to be back. I was surprised how much not writing these posts fidgeted me. Leave a comment and tell me about how you've spent the last few days. Were there presents? Or was there a movie and Chinese food?


  1. Elspeth - Welcome back! And thanks for the very kind words (and the blog plug : ) ). That means a lot to me : ). I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas, and I'll bet those earrings look terrific on you. Just don't tell my daughter about the Wii - I won't hear the end of it ; ).

  2. Sounds like you had a great Christmas! Ours was fabulous as well - lots of family, food and fun. Still going on a bit, but has definitely slowed down. :)

    Like your son, I got a rush of excitement when I opened my iPod touch. LOVE it!! Should help me organize my school, home and writing lives!

  3. Jen; You got Wellingtons? Are they green? What a wonderful present, which would be very welcome where I am. I shall have to start dropping hints...

    Margot; Your blog is amazing. I don't see how you can lift your head when you carry around all that knowledge. As for not telling your daughter about the Wii; we'll have to talk terms...

    Jemi; An iPod touch! How wonderful! They seem to be mini computers. But then, as far as I'm concerned everything Apple does is fantastic (she types on her MacBook!)

  4. That is a very nice award indeed. Congrats to you!

    We got presents under the tree. Lots of loot. My favorites were fluffy house shoes and a Chi flat iron.

    Straight From Hel

  5. Helen; Excuse my ignorance, what is Chi flat iron?

  6. Congrats on the blog award. Well deserved. And glad to hear you had such a good holiday.

    We had a great time with most of our kids and grandkids here. Lots of good company, good food, and thoughtful presents. My kids gave me an Eee PC notebook and set me up with Wi-Fi in the house. What a wonderful and generous surprise that was.

    Can't wait until Helen answers your question. I suppose we could just do a Google search to find out what a Chi flat iron is, but more fun to connect with friends to find out. :-)

  7. Presents - yes
    Chinese food - no
    Movie - yes
    Travel - yes
    Sleep - yes
    Blogging - no
    But I'm back, too :)

  8. Congratulations on your award!

    I had a wonderful day. Nothing is better than watching a three-year-old on Christmas morning!

  9. Glad you're back. I've seen this award circulating lately, and kudos to you - well deserved!

    Marvin D Wilson

  10. Maryann; I honestly don't know what I'd do without WiFi. It's sad.

    Carol; Happy you had a good Christmas - yes.
    Happy you're back too - yes.

    Jane; A three year old at Christmas!!! Even the thought exhausts me.

    Old Silly; Thanks for the kind words; it's good to be back!

  11. Sounds like you had a fine Christmas. Glad you're back to blogging.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Glad you had a lovely Xmas Elspeth. Mine was a wedding (photos at my blog).

    I got what is now being called- The Accumulator. It is a portable radio with a cassette player. Sounds very retro but I have nowhere to play my cassettes anymore. It has a button you switch to "accumulator" and it (so far) plays forever without recharging. I think climate change folks should look into the science behind my Accumulator. I'd like a car with an accumulator.

  14. Congrats on the award.
    We love our Wii, and Rockband! You should get it, it is tons of fun :)

  15. Congratulations on the Award, Elspeth. Much deserved.
    And another blog for me to check out - anything recommended by you is sure to be good.


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